Monday, May 3, 2010


Paging Bill Clinton... Paging Bill Clinton... Riotous and raucous protesters spotted in Santa Cruz, CA. Caught on video marching through the streets singing, "the streets are on fire", chanting "revolution", and wearing masks while carrying torches.

Guess what else. They're not tea partiers. They're from the left.

h/t to Hot Air


Further work has obviously been done on this video since it first came out in the days after the crash at the Smolensk airport in Russia. When I first saw it, there really wasn't that much to take away from it. Now, however, the video zooms in to critical areas and highlights important aspects with graphic arrows. Gun shots can be heard and the claim here - although in Polish - appears to be that there is a survivor caught on tape (shortly after the :30 mark).

Caveat: the video isn't the greatest and it's not in english but it is interesting to watch. The claim that there was a survivor caught on video may be a stretch but if the intent is to truly get to the bottom of what happened, this video may be a piece to the puzzle.

h/t to Free Republic


Did the sarcasm in the title of this post drip down here yet? Not only has the Mainstream Media tirelessly derided Tea Party protests since they began but they've had absolutely no reason to do so. The demographic is made up primarily of American patriots, with a huge segment consisting of senior citizens. There have been no arrests since they began en masse in April, 2009.

Conversely, that same Mainstream media loves to portray leftwing protests as "mostly peaceful" while they're far more violent than any Tea Party has been. Most recently, proponents of illegal immigration took to the streets on May 1st - known as "May Day" and the difference between Tea Parties and those leftwing in nature is obvious - unless you're with the mainstream media.

Two cases in point can be found in Santa Cruz and San Francisco, CA respectively. Via NewsBusters:
...a May Day rally turned ugly in Santa Cruz, California, Saturday when some attendees started a riot breaking windows and defacing property.

City officials estimate that at least $100,000 worth of damage was done.

A little north in San Francisco, three people supporting Arizona's new anti-illegal immigration law were attacked at that city's May Day event.
Oh, add San Francisco to the mix. Also, be sure to check out the anti-American / pro-communist, soviet, socialist, and Che Guevara propaganda at New York City's May Day protest here. Be sure to take note in the NewsBusters post (includes video) of who was assaulted at the rally - that would be people in support of the Arizona Law SB 1070. Kind of proves their point, doesn't it?