Thursday, May 27, 2010


Democrats control both Houses of congress and there is no way Eric Holder is going to launch an investigation. Joe Sestak's opponent, Pat Toomey has the ability to be a lightning rod in this scandal. No one person in the media can control it. The scandal will either have a life of its own or it won't. Toomey, on the other hand, has the power to make hay over it.

The only way this scandal continues becoming a big deal is if public opinion drives it. Right now, the media is driving public opinion by continuing to cover it so Toomey's input can remain minimal. If the story dies down in the media, Toomey will have to drive it again.

So far, he is chiming in on the scandal and is calmly stating that something stinks here. That's exactly what he should be doing and he does so again on MSNBC'S Morning Joe.

An excellent point made by Toomey in this exchange is his Senate run in 2004 and the Republican establishment wanting him to drop out of that race because it had thrown its support behind Arlen Specter. Toomey says that he was never offered a job to drop out.

h/t to Hot Air

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Time Magazine's Rick Stengel appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe and came across as being nearly completely ignorant of the scandal involving Rep. Joe Sestak and the Obama administration. Mika Brzezinski actually had to say Sestak's name several times because Stengel looked like a deer in the proverbial headlights on the story.

As for the magazine, they should change their name to, "TIME TO QUIT".

h/t to NewsBusters


This is a follow up story to the interview Megyn Kelly conducted with Assistant D.C. Metro Chief Patrick Burke and Captain of Montgomery Police Department Paul Stark. Stark's account disputed Nina Easton's claims that three police officers on the scene said they didn't want to arrest the lawbreakers for fear of inciting a riot. Easton is standing by her story, which is much more believable than Stark's claims. Go HERE to watch that interview.

Nina Easton has appeared on several Fox News shows as a panelist and she is far from being known as politically conservative. She often comes across as a moderate-to-left leaning pundit. It is refreshing to see her standing up like this. She should be commended and supported. Her awakening could be a foreshadowing of things to come as SEIU and other community organisms continue to unmask themselves. In addition to that, the man whose home these thugs descended on belongs to a Democrat.

As for the claims of both the D.C. Metro and Montgomery County police officials, I'm sure they are none too happy about Easton going public. Her being a neighbor to Bauer is likely viewed as a very unfortunate reality they weren't expecting.

Check out the videos of Easton responding to the claims of Burke and Stark as well as the smear campaign being levied against her by none other than Media Matters.

Via Fox News in two parts:

Part 1

Part 2

h/t to Hot Air