Thursday, August 19, 2010


The title of my latest post over at Big Peace is 'Pelosi Spits on the Graves of her Protectors'. It focuses on the target of United Flight 93 on 9/11, which was likely the U.S. Capitol, the building where Nancy Pelosi works. Her words about calling for an investigation into those who oppose the ground zero mosque struck a nerve.
The target of Islamic hijackers aboard United flight 93 on September 11th, 2001 was depicted in a 2006 film as being the United States capitol building. Investigations after the plane crashed into a Pennsylvania field pointed to a high probability that the place where 535 elected officials – including Nancy Pelosi – are charged with working for the American people, backed up that depiction.

At the time, the current House Speaker was a member of Congress; just one month later, she was voted House minority whip by her colleagues – a position that would have come with a drastically new set of priorities had the Capitol building been successfully hit by America’s Islamic enemy. Lives were saved by a cross-section of Americans she has demonstrated contempt for today.

Then on January 3rd, 2003 Pelosi recorded two firsts in American history. In addition to being the first woman sworn in as House minority leader, she became the first woman to be nominated for Speaker of the House.

After the 2006 elections, Pelosi achieved yet another milestone, becoming the first woman ever elected as Speaker of the House. The form of government that allowed her to become all of these things was defended by middle class Americans on September 11th. The building that houses the chamber she currently leads was protected from attack as a result.

Todd Beamer, the passenger who famously rallied the others with the words, “Let’s Roll” was one such middle class American who worked in the private sector. He was an account executive on a business trip and his words also rallied a nation. His actions directly contributed to the protection of the symbol of our legislative branch of government from harm at the hands of America’s Islamic enemy.

Fast forward nearly nine years to August 17th, 2010. In the midst of...
Read it all over at Big Peace.

Watching this video, posted by Sun Tzu inspired the idea for the column.


Fred Grimm, writer for the Miami Herald has identified the black pastor of the World Wide Christian Center in Pompano Beach, FL - approx. 40 miles north of Miami - of being a bigot. He does so while seeming to give Dozier credit for coming up with the formula for the outrage surrounding the ground zero mosque, instead of attempting to understand the root cause of growing sentiment.

In 2006, Dozier (pictured) led an effort to prevent a mosque from being built in his church's neighborhood. While the similarities between that effort and the one on a much bigger stage in New York City are obvious, Grimm seems to go a bit further, intimating that Dozier may be partially responsible.

Via the Herald:
Dozier's bigoted sentiments have been resurrected, though this time by mainstream politicians over a proposed Islamic community center two blocks from the site of the fallen World Trade Center. Leaders like Sarah Palin, John McCain and professed political intellectual Newt Gingrich argue that their objections have to do with the project's proximity to the 9/11 site, but their statements about Islam sound discomfitingly familiar to anyone who remembers O'Neal Dozier's ugly turn in 2006. Pompano Beach, by the way, is about 1,250 miles from the World Trade Center site.

And Dozier-like characterizations of Muslims have been erupting these past few months in other places far from New York City. In Temecula, Calif., protesters against a new mosque carried signs demanding ``No More Mosques in America'' and ``No Rights for Mosques'' and ``Mosques are Monuments to Terrorism.''
I spoke to Dozier about this article and he expressed mild surprise at Grimm's take. "I think he's giving me far too much credit," Dozier said. He also said he wasn't contacted by Grimm for the article but was more than willing to give his take.

Perhaps Grimm was afraid of Dozier convincing him of his side. If he talked to him, he might learn the meanings of three Islamic terms that should cause him pause: muruna, taqiyya, and kitman. HERE is a link to Dozier's website.

Read it all.