Saturday, September 25, 2010


Very interesting though I can't decide if this is a talk radio stunt on the part of Laura Ingraham in line with her book, 'The Obama Diaries' or if Michelle Obama's mother is truly obsessed with talk radio and defending her daughter. Listen as she tells Laura that she's 'incensed' at the treatment of her 'daughter' and then quickly says 'first lady' before hanging up. I'll leave it up to you if you think the caller M.R. is really Marion Robinson.

Moreover, if this is really M.R., it's apparent that she doesn't much care for her son-in-law.

Here's another instance in which Michelle Obama's alleged mother called in to Laura Ingra-HAM.

h/t to Hapblog


When former attorney in the voting rights section of the civil rights division, J. Christian Adams resigned from his position so he could honor the subpoena for his testimony from the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. It was explosive but the testimony of his boss, Christopher Coates would have been much more damaging to the Eric Holder led Department of Justice. Coates, unlike Adams did not resign and until September 24th, honored the mandate from the DOJ that he not testify.

Coates finally testified on September 24th and defied his superiors. It was, in a word, EXPLOSIVE. Curiously, the media seemed more interested in comedian Steven Colbert's testimony - while in character - in front of congress on the same day.

Here are the highlights.

If you have interest in watching Coates' full testimony, click HERE.

For a very pertinent refresher on this matter, click HERE to see J. Christian Adams' interview with Fox's Megyn Kelly back in June of 2010. In that interview, he refers to both Coates and Assistant U.S. Attorney General Thomas Perez.

h/t to Pajamas Media


Remember that Black Panther who was caught on video in September of 2009 publicly exhorting blacks to 'kill some crackers' and 'they babies' if they wanted freedom? That was King Samir Shabazz, the same New Black Panther Party member who was wielding a night stick at a Philadelphia polling station on election day in 2008. Thanks to a new video of King Samir from August 9, 2010 at Sylvia's Restaurant in Harlem, he doesn't seem to be interested in moderating his views much.

Here he is referring to Fox News as 'Fox Jews' and claims that white people are using black babies as 'Alligator bait'. Someone should tell King Samir that it is white conservative Christians who are fighting to prevent the abortions of black babies and that his 'progressive' friends are all about making money off the practice.

Then again, he's so unhinged with hatred, I doubt he'd listen. See for yourself. Via Election Law Center:

Kinda makes you want to reminisce, doesn't it? Here you go.