Thursday, November 11, 2010


I don't always agree with Glenn Beck and think he's gotten away from his strength on occasion. That strength is peeling back the veneer of the left. Van Jones, Anita Dunn, etc. The latest series on George Soros is right in Beck's wheelhouse and he's hitting home run after home run.

As proof of that, take note of the times Beck makes reference to a threat he received from one of Soros' people - Beck explained that threat during part 1 of the series (second video below). Here is Beck explaining Soros' five-step plan to destroy America.

Here is Beck explaining how the "threat" from Soros was delivered. He explained this at the end of Part 1 in the series.

Click HERE to watch the entire Part 1 installment.

h/t Breitbart


Nancy Pelosi has a mental problem and I don't say that flippantly. First, she carries that huge ridiculous gavel through the Tea Party crowd back in March, while laughing on her way to the health care vote; she then predicts Democrats will hold onto the House all the way up to the day before the election; after getting totally shellacked in the midterms, she claims that she wants to be minority leader; then she decides to throw a party to celebrate her party's accomplishments over the last two years.

Now this. She wants to force a vote during this lame duck session that would allow illegal aliens to vote. Via POLITICO:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to push for a vote during the lame-duck session on a bill that would legalize young, undocumented immigrants if they attend college or serve in the military, according to Democratic sources familiar with a leadership conference call Wednesday.

A vote on the bill, known as the DREAM Act, could come as early as next week, the sources said. Pelosi asked Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.) and Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-Calif.) to assess the mood of the caucus, according to one source.
There is no end to their shame.

More here.