Monday, May 2, 2011

Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas Condemn Osama Bin Laden Killing

The reaction to the reported death of Osama Bin Laden on the part of the group that has taken control of Egypt - the Muslim Brotherhood - is condemnation. Ditto for a group that resides squarely under the Brotherhood's umbrella - Hamas. This should call further into question the allegiances of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), which has extremely close ties to Hamas. Something tells me that the leader of Egypt before the Brotherhood took over - Hosni Mubarak - would not have been nearly this disappointed.

Via the AP:
CAIRO – Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, a conservative organization with links around the Islamic world, has condemned the killing of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden by U.S. forces as an "assassination."

The Brotherhood, which seeks the establishment of a state run according to Islamic principles through peaceful means, is Egypt's most powerful and organized political movement.
Did you notice how the AP refers to the Muslim Brotherhood as a 'conservative organization?' That must be why conservatives were warning against allowing the group to take over control of Egypt while the liberal groups, media, Bill Ayers, etc. all screamed it was a freedom movement.

And, of course, Hamas is not happy with this news either. Via Fox News:
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip -- The leader of the Palestinian militant Hamas government in Gaza has condemned the United States for killing Al Qaeda chief Usama bin Laden.

Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh says the operation is "the continuation of the American oppression and shedding of blood of Muslims and Arabs."
Despite example after example that al-Qaeda, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, and practically every other Islamic group are all part of the same pot, western civilization continues to fail to connect the dots.

h/t Jihad Watch

A CAIR spokesman in St. Louis spoke with a local news team about Bin Laden's death and publicly stated that he welcomed the news. Though Faizan Syed voiced a point of view different from that of the Brotherhood and Hamas, there is little doubt he did so for political expediency.

Taqiyya alert.


Video: Lara Logan Tells her Horrifying Tale in Egypt's Tahrir Square

Back in February, CBS reporter Lara Logan suffered a violent sexual assault in Egypt's Tahrir Square as the government fell. She came forward in an interview with 60 Minutes to explain the details of her attack. Logan tells her story in excruciatingly gruesome detail while remaining extremely calm and composed. She's obviously an extremely strong and courageous woman and has said that this will be the only interview she will give on her horrifying experience because she doesn't want it to define her.


Via CBS:

*Content Warning*

Bin Laden's Location Proof Pakistani Military Harboring al-Qaeda?

The U.K. Daily Telegraph has several photos of the compound where Osama Bin Laden was allegedly killed by a gunshot wound to the head courtesy of the Navy Seals. As details emerge, one extremely inconvenient report cannot bode well for relations between Pakistan and the United States. The compound was less than one mile away from Pakistan's military academy, which will certainly raise significant questions about Pakistan's relationship with al-Qaeda.

Here is a report from the BBC:
The compound is a few hundred metres from the the Pakistan Military Academy, an elite military training centre, which is Pakistan's equivalent to Britain's Sandhurst, according to the BBC's M Ilyas Khan who visited the area.

Earlier reports put the distance at about 200 yards (182 metres). Pakistan's military says the compound is 4km (2.4 miles) away from the academy.

But it lies well within Abbottabad's military cantonment - it is likely the area would have had a constant and significant military presence and checkpoints.

Pakistan's army chief is a regular visitor to the academy for graduation parades.

The operation began at about 2230 (1730 GMT) and lasted about 45 minutes, military sources told BBC Urdu. Two or three helicopters were seen flying low over the area. Witnesses say it caused panic among local residents.

But an IT consultant living in Abbottabad posted on twitter at about 0100 (2100 GMT) that a helicopter was hovering above Abbottabad. It is thought that he unknowingly tweeted details of what he could hear of the operation as it happened.
Courtesy of a post over at Free Republic, HERE is a map that shows how close the compound is to Pakistan's military academy.

Another source of controversy is all but certain to be Bin Laden's burial at sea. The Daily Mail reports that it was done so early out of respect for Islamic customs and done at sea instead of in the ground to avoid a shrine.

Via the Daily Mail:
U.S. officials have told broadcaster CNN that Bin Laden's body has already been buried at sea in order to prevent the grave from becoming a shrine for extremists.

Officials said the body would be handled according to Islamic practice and tradition. That practice calls for the body to be buried within 24 hours. Saudi Arabia reportedly declined to take the body.
Be sure to check out all of the PHOTOS at the Daily Mail.