Monday, October 13, 2008

ACORN taking Obama Down???

The ties between Barack Hussein Obama and ACORN (Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now) is proving to be so extensive that even "the messiah" (Louis Farrakhan's quote, not mine) is unable to hide them....

For the record, ACORN bullied banks to give NO-CREDIT customers loans they could not pay back (hence where we are today). Obama provided them with legal representation.

In this link, notice the logo on the t-shirt in the woman to "the messiah's" right...

It's a nut! It's a buckeye!..............IT'S AN ACORN!!! IN OCTOBER

Barack Obama Truth Squad...................WHERE ARE YOU ON THIS ONE?!

For the record, the founder of community organizing was a man named Saul Alinsky and he dedicated his last book, "Rules for Radicals" to Lucifer.

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