Sunday, November 16, 2008

Kenyan Thug wants Obama Payback

Last month, Investigative reporter Jerome Corsi was detained by Kenyan officials just before he was about to hold a press conference that was intended to reveal his findings about Obama. Radical Islamist and bad dude Raila Odinga is now saying he wants "favors" from the U.S. under an Obama presidency.

Keep an eye on U.S. / Kenyan relationships as we move forward..

1 comment:

  1. More damning, IMO, is the following:

    "Obama campaigned openly for Odinga for president in 2006 when Obama was in Kenya on a U.S. Senate "fact-finding" mission. Kenya's President Mwai Kibaki asked Obama to stop interfering with Kenyan presidential politics. Obama raised an alleged $1 million for Odinga to run for president in Kenya in December 2007, adding to the $1 million raised for Odinga's 2007 presidential campaign by Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi."

    How is it that Obama has managed to keep all of this hidden, if not for aid from foreign leaders?

    And ... how is it that with all the dirt the GOP (and to a FAR LESSER EXTENT McCain) tried to throw at Obama, how did they miss this...?
