Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Inspector General Update

As details continue to come out about why Inspector General Gerald Walpin was fired by the Obama White House, it continues to appear that the administration is increasingly being put on its heels.

To this point, evidence suggests that the 77 year-old Walpin is plenty sharp (contrary to White House claims that he was "confused" and "disoriented" at a May 20th meeting). In fact, indications are that the May 20th meeting is where Walpin threw down the proverbial gauntlet with respect to his objections that St. HOPE (Kevin Johnson's Organization) should not receive further grants (as the settlement would allow).

Walpin has done in two weeks what no one in higher positions of power seem all that willing to do - hold the executive branch accountable.

Now, all eyes turn toward Chuck Grassley. If Walpin's claims are investigated and pressed, it will be the Iowa Senator who will have to lead the charge. Will Grassley take the baton from Walpin or will we see the typical show hearings designed to appease those demanding real ones?

Grassley may find himself getting dragged kicking and screaming to the former by Walpin.

As this all plays out, I'm reminded of a quote from Edmund Burke...

Evil only succeeds when good men do nothing.

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