Sunday, June 28, 2009

Obama's Presidential Approval Index

Starting to look like a bit of a trend is developing over at Rasmussen.....

Today, Obama's approval index is at ZERO and while this is not a low for him in this daily tracking poll (low is -2), it's beginning to look like it's more than just a spike. Since being inaugurated, the gap between those who strongly approve and those who strongly DISapprove of his performance has been shrinking.

Rasmussen Reports™: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Data Anywhere

As you can see, sometime in March Obama began to flatline a bit, with an index of somewhere between +5 and +10 on any given day. Anything outside those parameters could almost be dismissed as a one time anomaly. However, his Cairo speech appears to have been somewhat of a turning point. More indicative are his numbers from this past week.

Looking at the chart, he is in unchartered territory, teetering around the ZERO number for about one week straight. This seems to indicate more of a trend than a spike.

My concern is that as his approval numbers rightfully fall, his actions seem to be outpacing his decline, almost like catching a wave that you're always in front of.

That said, it does look like Americans are beginning to wake up and take notice of the very destructive policies of this administration.

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