Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Please SHUT UP about Michael Jackson

My brother and I went golfing one day and were paired up with another twosome.

As we got to talking to the guys in our group, one of them became animated out of frustration at the prospect of trying to understand what his wife chose to prioritize as being important. I remember him telling me that they were in financial straits and every time he tried to engage her in a discussion about it, she ignored him.

Then the source of his frustration comes out as he relays this story....

"I go to the fridge to make a sandwich and I dropped a jar of mayonnaise on the floor, which breaks open and ends up all over the place. My wife went off and wouldn't stop talking about mayonnaise. After hours of her bringing it up, I got in her face and said, 'Look, we have to deal with SERIOUS issues! We're being audited, we owe backtaxes, and we're in danger of foreclosure. Yet all you want to talk about is Mayonnaise?!'

Moral of the story?
When it comes to matters of importance, Michael Jackson is on par with Mayonnaise all over your kitchen floor yet the mindless masses (many of whom voted for Obama and continue to blindly support him) continue to mourn the death of an alleged pedophile and freak.

In light of all of the important issues confronting us, the death of Michael Jackson = A Broken jar of Mayonnaise.

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