Sunday, July 12, 2009

Cornyn Playing softball on Sotomayor?

Sonia Sotomayor has made racist comments. She's made racist judgments (Firefighter case). For six years, she belonged to a group called "The Race" (La Raza). She served on the Board of the formerly known Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund (now known as Latino Justice PRLDEF), which is at BEST a "RACIAL" group and at worst a racist one.

On Fox News Sunday, John Cornyn (R - Texas) simply said that Sotomayor would need to "explain" her remarks.

Something tells me Sotomayor will have a far easier time than Alito did. Yet, her comments, decisions, and affiliations seem to be much closer to being racist than anything Alito said or did.

Until people like Cornyn decide to fight back to level the playing field, Republicans and more importantly, conservatism, will continue to lose ground.

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