Thursday, July 16, 2009

Honduras: Micheletti Getting Church Support?

The truth may finally be getting its pants on. The key for the sitting Honduran government led by Roberto Micheletti is to HOLD ON. The longer this drags on, the more support he will get and the more damage it will do to those who support Zelaya. This is one crisis that Barack Obama doesn't like, which is why it should not be allowed to go to waste.

The American Spectator is reporting that a leader of the Honduran Catholic church appears to be coming out forcefully against Manuel Zelaya and the international support he's been getting:
To the Organization of American States: we ask that you pay attention to all (that) was happening outside the law in Honduras and not only what happened starting on June 28. The Honduras people are also asking why the warlike threats against our country have not been condemned. If the inter-American system is limited to protecting the system of ballot boxes but not to monitoring good governance and the prevention of political, economic, and social crises, a belated reaction in the face of these will be worth nothing to the international community.
I particularly enjoyed this quote from Rodriguez:
"Each and every one of the documents which have come into our hands show that the institutions of the Honduran democratic state are valid and that what it has executed in juridical-legal matters has been rooted in law."
How about 17 U.S. Senators writing a letter to Hillary Clinton expressing disagreement with the notion that Zelaya's removal was a coup? Hans Bader at the Dallas Examiner has more.

The lie that Manuel Zelaya was the unjustified victim of a coup is starting to be questioned more vociferously by voices that carry political weight. Had Micheletti caved to demands that Zelaya be reinstated, we would never see any of this. See what happens when you stand your ground on principle despite the odds (and numbers) being against you?

h/t to Hot Air

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