Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Ousted president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, appears to have some pull in the Obama administration, if not some real power. Yesterday, we learned that the U.S. State Department revoked the visas of four members of the current Honduran government.

The Hill is reporting that not only is one of them the man who signed the order to have Zelaya removed from office but Zelaya allegedly instructed Obama to revoke the visas of officials in Micheletti's government, including Micheletti himself.
State Department spokesman Ian Kelly confirmed at Tuesday's news briefing that four diplomatic visas had been revoked by the U.S. Kelly did not name names, but the deputy foreign minister of Honduras's de facto government confirmed that one of the visas belonged to Judge Jose Tomas Arita Valle, the chairman of the 16-member supreme court who signed the ruling ordering the detention of President Manuel Zelaya.
Another name allegedly high on Zelaya's list for VISA revocation was General Romeo Vasquez Velasquez. Gee, I wonder why:
The Zelaya letter reportedly names officials against whom the ousted president wanted action taken, including General Romeo Vasquez Velasquez, the head of the armed forces who was fired by Zelaya on June 25 for refusing to use the military to press forward with a referendum deemed illegal by the country's highest court.
The Micheletti government is embarrassing Zelaya and Obama by exposing the truth. Their response appears to be the Latin American version of the Chicago Way.

Click here for the full story from THE HILL.

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