Monday, July 27, 2009


Taking the side of Henry Louis Gates these days is shaping up as a losing proposition. His advocates (and even Gates himself) are using tactics that show it as well. As an example, rather than choosing to debate the actual incident, they choose instead to engage in arguments about racial profiling in general.

Now one of the arguments that Gates defenders tried to use in support of him could be getting debunked. Accusations that the woman who phoned in the alleged break-in was driven by race because the two men breaking in were black appear to be false.

The Boston Globe reports:
The woman, identified in a police report on file in Cambridge District Court as 40-year-old Lucia Whalen, saw the backs of both men and did not know their race when she called 911, said Wendy J. Murphy, a Boston lawyer from New England School of Law. Whalen phoned police, Murphy said, because she was aware of recent break-ins in the area.
In fact, according to Cambridge police Commissioner Robert C. Haas, not only was Walen unable to identify the men because their backs were to her but when pressed, she actually guessed that one of them was Hispanic.
In an interview at police headquarters last night, Haas said “it was very clear that she wasn’t sure’’ what the men’s race was. He also said that when the dispatcher questioned Whalen for more details, she told police she could only guess about the race of the two men. “She speculated . . . that one might be Hispanic.’’
This reality should be easily verified by listening to the 911 tape.

Kinda makes sense for the Gates apologists to move on to a more generalized discussion, doesn't it? Yet another one of their claims is ringing hollow.

If I could communicate a message to Whalen at this point, it's: BEWARE THE ACORNS!

"An Acorn doesn't fall far from the tree."
- Barack Obama, October 2008

h/t to Drudge

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