Friday, July 10, 2009

Obama's Books Banned From Federal Prison

Head Scratcher of the day. Why would an al-Qaeda prisoner be prohibited from reading two books written by the President of the United States if he is permitted to read books in general? If books are not permitted at all, it would make sense but if they are, why can't he read "Dreams from My Father" and "The Audacity of Hope"?

The AP has the story..
Ahmed Omar Abu Ali is serving a 30-year sentence at the federal supermax prison in Florence, Colorado, for joining al-Qaida and plotting to assassinate then-President George W. Bush. Last year, Abu Ali requested two books written by Obama: "Dreams from My Father" and "The Audacity of Hope."

Personally, I'm not a fan of granting enemies of the United States constitutional rights but Ali claims his are being violated.

Consider what Ali said about the decision according to the AP.
Abu Ali requested the books in August, before Obama was elected. In a short, handwritten note on a prison complaint form, Abu Ali argues that the two rejections "violate my 1st amend. rights" - referring to the part of the U.S. Constitution that promises free speech among other rights.

Talk about audacity!

If Ali is an American citizen, he committed treason and should be considered a domestic enemy that forfeited his Constitutional rights. If he's not a citizen, he should be labeled an enemy combatant and not allowed into this country.

I found this quote from the article intriguing...
prison officials, citing guidance from the FBI, determined that passages in both books contain information that could damage national security.

Questions to ponder...

If you're Obama, would it be politically inconvenient for an al-Qaeda prisoner to be reading your books considering the ruckus over the recent DHS report?

If prisoners are not allowed to read books because of restrictions on freedoms for prisoners (ie, punishment), Ali should not be allowed to have the books. On the other hand, if prisoners are allowed to read some books, shouldn't they be allowed to read books written by the POTUS?

Lastly, if there are "passages" in Obama's books that contain information that could damage national security, wouldn't there be a greater danger of national security being damaged by having those books in circulation, available to Islamist operatives already in this country and NOT in prison?

Something is very wrong with this logic. Again, if prisoners are allowed to have books, they should be allowed to read the books of a sitting American president.

Something not right here.

h/t to Gateway Pundit

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