Friday, July 10, 2009

United Airlines Breaks Guitars - VIDEO

From a guy named Dave Carroll comes a video that levied justice against a major airline that no doubt thought they could squash him and his complaint like a bug. If United really broke his guitar, Carroll has a legitimate beef if he wasn't reimbursed.

As someone who knows a little bit about guitars, the Taylor name can only be found on the top shelf when you're looking to add to your collection. Assuming this is a true story set to music (minus the sombreros), I'll bet the guitar United broke was probably around $2000 (low end).

With over 1 million views on YouTube, my guess is United now wishes it had dealt with Mr. Carroll honestly. Justice has officially been served.

Echoes of David & Goliath with Carroll playing David, United Airlines as Goliath, and YouTube is the stone between the eyes of United. He even NAMES NAMES!!

Truly an underdog story!

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