Thursday, July 30, 2009


On Thursday morning, Glenn Beck said Barack Obama is a "racist". It didn't take long for MSNBC to go into overdrive attempting to tighten its rapidly loosening screws. Notice how they didn't have the slightest problem with a black professor calling a white cop a "racist" and decide to whip out members of the NAACP to chastise Beck.

Merriam-Webster defines "Racist" as the following:
: racial prejudice or discrimination

Based on that definition, isn't the NAACP a racist organization? As you watch these videos, ask yourself if some glass house dwellers are using sling shots.

First up, Chris Matthews fights to protect that leg tingle by speaking with former NAACP president Kweisi Mfume and Joan Walsh, who once called Dr. George Tiller a "hero". Quite the panel, Chris...

Next up is Contessa Brewer leading off the segment expressing outright apoplectic indignation at Beck's words. After catching her breath, she too quotes a statement from the NAACP right before kicking it over to Hilary Shelton, V.P. of Advocacy for the NAACP. Be sure to visit Merriam-Webster after viewing....

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