Thursday, July 16, 2009

VIDEO: Black Leader Calls Babs Boxer Racial

We all know the left is well versed in playing the race card as if it's the right bower whenever they need to win a hand. It was fun to watch California Senator Barbara Boxer (D) overplay her hand with Harry Alford, Chair of the National Black Chamber of Commerce.

From the beginning, Alford was ready to challenge Boxer on their differences with respect to energy policy and she apparently knew it. Which is likely why she had testimonials from the NAACP and John Grant, the "CEO of 100 black workers in Atlanta". Quoting from the latter is what set Alford off.

If Boxer wants to spar with the race card, my suggestion is she learn when and when not to use it. When you're a white female Senator trying to win an argument with the head of the National Black Chamber of Commerce, your best bet would be to leave that card up your sleeve for a later hand.

Boxer apparently too dumb to figure that out.

Fireworks throughout the entire video:

h/t to Hot Air

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