Wednesday, July 22, 2009

VIDEO: Did Zelaya Steal Millions Before Leaving Honduras?

The hits just keep on coming with respect to the Constitutional crisis in Honduras. Again, the longer the sitting government sticks to its guns and digs in, the more comes out about ousted president Manuel Zelaya. As it all continues to play out, Obama's stance that Zelaya should be reinstated looks more and more dubious.

The Washington Times is reporting that Zelaya and his former Chief of Staff stole millions of dollars, allegedly to fund the illegal / unconstitutional referendum Zelaya was going to use to retain power.

The Times reports:
A security video from the Central Bank of Honduras made available to The Washington Times shows officials entering the bank June 24 and withdrawing large amounts of Honduran currency. The money was driven to the office of Mr. Zelaya's chief of staff, Enrique Flores Lanza, according to depositions by three witnesses to Honduran prosecutors.
Be sure to watch both videos embedded in the article as they show men wheeling out a large black bag.

Obviously, Zelaya was feeling heat on June 24th (when the money was allegedly withdrawn) because the Supreme Court ordered his removal two days later, a removal carried out by the Honduran military on the morning of Sunday, June 28th.
Two Honduran political opponents of Mr. Zelaya with knowledge of the transactions said Mr. Zelaya planned to use the money in connection with a referendum that if successful would have permitted him to serve a second term as president. The Honduran Supreme Court and Congress ruled the referendum illegal because the constitution limits presidents to a single term.
And go figure. Neither Zelaya nor Lanza are talking but witnesses who are implicating them are remaining anonymous for fear of their safety.

"Evil only succeeds when good men do nothing."
- Edmund Burke

If Micheletti's government is in the right and has chosen to stand up for itself in the face of seemingly INSURMOUNTABLE international pressure (which includes Barack and Hillary), just think about what they are accomplishing right now by being patriots whose only shield is their country's Constitution and the political branches / bodies willing to fight for it.

While it is still early, Micheletti and the sitting Honduran government appears to be winning against long odds the longer they hold their position.

And if they continue winning, the Obama administration will come up big losers unless it changes its stance real soon.

h/t to Hot Air for the Washington Times link

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