Sunday, July 26, 2009


Remember, just prior to Barack Obama saying the Cambridge police acted "stupidly" in arresting Henry Louis Gates, he said he considered Gates to be a "friend" and that he was "biased" as a result. Let that sink in. Yet another friend of Obama who seems to be obsessed with and fixated on race and hatred.

If the police report is even the slightest bit accurate, what cannot be denied about Gates' arrest is that he (Gates) jumped to conclusions about the police officer's intentions. This is what we call living in a manufactured reality that is all too easily entered into at the drop of a hat. When a reality is manufactured, it needs reinforced by exploiting events and circumstances with MELODRAMA when opportunities arise.

Interesting takeaways from this video of Gates in 1996 (other than his accusations that Clarence Thomas has turned his back on blacks and Newt Gingrich had racist motivations when he led the 'contract with America') include Gates' use of the phrase, "your mama" (a phrase officer Crowley quoted Gates as using in the police report from July 16th) and the "N" word.

h/t to NewsBusters

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