Thursday, July 16, 2009

VIDEO: Senate Democrats Channel Chris Matthews

This "Thrill up the Leg" thing is starting to get a little contagious. I think everyone would agree that a thrill up one's leg is in the same ballpark as "goosebumps". Well, that's exactly what Sonia Sotomayor gave one Democrat Senator during her hearings yesterday.

In fact, watching Diane Feinstein give Sotomayor an A++++++ conjured up memories of Ralphie's dream sequence in "Christmas Story" when he imagined that his teacher had goosebumps and thrills over his theme on Red Rider BB guns.

If Senate Dems were channeling Chris Matthews, is it possible that Sotomayor was channeling Obama?

This is really disgraceful but like a train wreck, you need to watch it.

h/t to Drudge

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