Wednesday, July 22, 2009

VIDEO: So is This How Obama Went to Harvard?

Since he won't release the most basic information about his college career (transcripts / funding), shouldn't the burden of proof fall on the president when legitimate questions about those things are raised?

See the very compelling video below of Percy Sutton, an attorney that represented Malcolm X AND Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour, a radical Islamist who, according to Sutton, asked him (Sutton) to write a letter to Harvard singing the praises of Obama.

Jerome Corsi has written a compelling piece for World Net Daily that is backed up by video evidence along with a refusal by Obama to release records related to his time at Harvard.

In the video, Sutton says that al-Mansour introduced him to Obama. Again, shouldn't the burden of proof be on Obama considering the circumstances surrounding his time at Harvard is still a mystery? Another eye-brow raiser that would lend further credence to Sutton's claim is that al-Mansour apparently went to Harvard:
The back cover of al-Mansour's 1982 book "The Destruction of Western Civilization as Seen Through Islam, Christianity and Judaism" specifies al-Mansour received a degree from Harvard, where he majored in philosophy and logic, and a law degree from the University of California at Berkeley.
al-Mansour also is a Black Liberation Theology advocate (think Jeremiah Wright).

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