Wednesday, July 29, 2009


James Crowley was absolutely correct in refusing to apologize to Henry Louis Gates (the fact that Gates had the gall to demand one is beyond the pale). I applauded him loudly for his courage. He is absolutely wrong to agree to a beer at the White House.

Nothing good can come of it. Gates views it as a teaching moment instead of as a learning one and that is the problem. In fact, a more productive exercise might be to have Gates sit in on one of the racial profiling classes Crowley facilitates (as a student). Perhaps Gates should spend a day with him in a cruiser. In return, Sgt. Crowley might sit in on one of Gates's classes on African-American studies.

There's a bigger reason why Crowley shouldn't agree to this meeting. That reason is that Obama is using him as a tool in the application of Saul Alinsky's tactics.

Whether what Obama said about police acting "stupidly" was intentional or not, there is no dispute that the photo-op at the White House ONE DAY before the August recess will distract media attention and by extension public attention away from healthcare and direct it to a dog and pony show at the White House.

ACCORDING TO ALINSKY, the main job of the organizer is to bait an opponent into reacting. “The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength.”

Since Obama's press conference on Healthcare, he has "goaded and guided" the public away from healthcare. This has also taken public pressure OFF of Blue Dogs, which is the best hope of preventing the disastrous Healthcare Bill.

Sgt. Crowley is likely being USED.

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