Friday, August 7, 2009


Are you aware that the Palestine Liberation Organization has an existing mission two miles from the White House? Is that the same PLO once led by Yasser Arafat, who was shown to have ordered the assassination of an American diplomat? The same Yasser Arafat who was behind the Munich Olympic massacres in 1972?

That's the one. So where does Ronald Reagan come in? Joe Kaufman has a column at PAJAMAS MEDIA that explains it quite well.
In December 1987, President Ronald Reagan signed into law the Anti-Terrorism Act of 1987. The act unequivocally called the PLO — an umbrella group for several violent entities — a “terrorist organization” and made it “unlawful” for the PLO to “establish or maintain” an office inside the United States. Citing various fanatical actions carried out by the group, including “the murders of dozens of American citizens abroad,” the act stated:

[T]he Congress determines that the PLO and its affiliates are a terrorist organization and a threat to the interests of the United States, its allies, and to international law and should not benefit from operating in the United States.
So what happened between then and now that currently allows the PLO to operate within the United States? Kaufman reports that beginning in 1994 during the Clinton administration, the American president began signing "waivers" every six months that would allow the PLO to continue its U.S. Mission.

Surely, that ended after Bush was inaugurated, right? I'm sure he signed an order to not to issue the PLO any waivers as quickly as Obama signed an EO to close down Gitmo, right? No? Oh, well then I'm sure he kicked the PLO out after 9/11, right? Uh, no. According to Kaufman:
Every six months, beginning in 1994, U.S. Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama issued such waivers, using the excuse that they were “important to the national security interests of the United States.”
National Security? I'm sorry but since when does it make sense to allow enemies of the United States to set up shop in the United States? Kaufman explains the brainiac logic this way:
In reality, the waivers had nothing to do with “national security.” They were instead seen as necessities in sustaining the last three presidential administrations’ obsession with the creation of a PLO state — essentially a terrorist state — called “Palestine,” to be headed by PLO leader Yasser Arafat followed more recently by the PLO’s Mahmoud Abbas.
Honestly, I'm not all that surprised that Obama continued this practice of signing the waiver to continue the PLO mission but think about something for a minute. After 9/11, George W. Bush signed that waiver 14 times.


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