Wednesday, August 5, 2009


The end of the DNC's "Conservative Mob" ad asks viewers to contact the RNC to "express their outrage" while giving out the RNC phone number. What apparently happened next basically served to short circuit the bullies.

The RNC automated message PROMPTED CALLERS to "Press 1". When callers pressed "1", they were automatically sent to the DNC switchboard. The result was a "friendly fire" shut down of the DNC Switchboard.

Utter Brilliance.

Michael Steele has been getting beaten up lately but THIS warrants a Hat Tip. The WASHINGTON INDEPENDENT reports:
“I thought it was a good idea,” Steele said. “Don’t sit there and think you’re going to direct a bunch of angry liberals to call the RNC when I know full well what that’s all about. I get the joke. My response was, talk to your own party, because they’re the ones ginning this up.”
Refreshing when you think about what the GOP has been like lately.

We may be looking at another Obama tactic that has backfired.


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