Tuesday, August 4, 2009


With each new development in Birth Certifi-gate comes a new reason to see the whole thing as a contrived attempt by someone in the Obama administration to keep people distracted from focusing on the tangible instead of the tangential.

The WASHINGTON INDEPENDENT brings forth some evidence on the alleged "smoking gun" Kenyan Birth Certificate that also carries echoes of Rather-gate.
One of my friends in the small community of Obama “birther”-debunkers passes on quite the discovery: a 1964 “certified copy of registration of birth” from Australia, easily available on Bomford.net, a genealogy site. There are striking similarities between this document and the one Orly Taitz is passing off as a “Kenyan birth certificate” for Barack Obama.
Check out the visual similarities....

I'm starting to get quite frustrated with the loss of otherwise aggressive bull dog alternative journalists focusing on this issue.

THE ABSOLUTELY MOST IMPORTANT BATTLE that needs to be waged RIGHT NOW is against Obama-care. If this battle is not won, our nation could be forever changed (for the worse). This battle needs to be fought through the entire month of August via town halls and justifiably angry voters holding their politicians accountable with peaceful but forceful demonstrations.

There is strength in numbers and all this Birth Certificate controversy is doing is distracting would-be town hall attendees.

Journalists who are so convinced that there is something to Birth Certifi-Gate should, at the very least, WAIT UNTIL THE AUGUST RECESS HAS PASSED to pursue it. Voters who know the importance of defeating this health care bill will focus on it regardless of what happens in Certifi-Gate but those who don't may choose the wrong battle to wage.

Even if there were something to Obama's citizenship status and it were uncovered today, he would absolutely benefit from it because these politicians would necessarily feel less heat this month. In fact, at this point, Obama may wish he was born in Kenya so he can get EVERYONE off the backs of his already sharp-elbowed and strong-armed democrats that are shaking in their boots while looking up from the bottom of Obama's pockets. Does anyone truly think any of whom would stand up and impeach him / remove him from office if it were learned that he's not eligible? They hide under their desks every time Emanuel comes knocking as it is.

The only answer is that these whack job politicians need to feel more heat from their constituents than from Rahmbo because as scared of Emanuel as they may be, they're more scared of losing their jobs. With every person that chooses the empty Birth Certificate shell comes less heat turned up on those who need it.

Besides, isn't it a coincidence that this "smoking gun" surfaces just as the August recess is commencing?

As the church lady once said, "How convenient".

Another example is Gates-gate. I believe Obama's "stupidly" comment was said on purpose in order to create the same kind of distraction that this Birth Certificate controversy has created. IT TAKES HEAT OFF OF THE PEOPLE ON WHOM IT NEEDS TURNED UP.

People who believe this is not an Alinsky-inspired distraction need to read Rules for Radicals to understand what is happening.

"War is Deception"

- Sun Tzu

h/t to HOT AIR

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