Tuesday, August 4, 2009


It's been a down day and a bad week for the Obama spin machine. They're clearly on defense in response to the town halls and the video of Obama in 2003 saying he's a proponent of single payer health care DEFINITELY stung.

What's more is that Linda Douglass' attempt to rebut that tape WAS A JOKE! It actually made things worse for Obama because her claim that Obama's words were taken out of context was met with Breitbart releasing the entire clip, which made Obama look worse.

So how does the administration respond? Naturally, they START LOOKING for informants to report ANYONE who is speaking or writing against the new health care plan.

Folks, Obama is on his heels if he's getting this desperate. It's Rule #1 straight out of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals:

Rule 1: Power is not only what you have, but what an opponent thinks you have. If your organization is small, hide your numbers in the dark and raise a din that will make everyone think you have many more people than you do.

This strategy is very similar to pulling out the race card. Race-baiters prefer not to whip it out but they do so as a last resort while believing that Intimidation will do the trick. Until recently (Sgt. Crowley), the threat of the race card scared people.

Call Obama out on this as well. DO NOT TAKE THIS!


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