Friday, August 21, 2009


Fathima Rifqa Bary is a 17 year-old honor student and cheerleader who ran away to Florida from her Muslim parents in Columbus, OH after converting to Christianity. Today at 3:15pm ET, a judge will decide whether she be returned to her parents. Florida Governor Charlie Crist has the authority to intervene and prevent it.

Chelsea Schilling at WND REPORTS on Bary's circumstances and that the 17-year old fears for her life if sent back to her parents:
Bary, a native of Sri Lanka, hitchhiked to a bus station and ran away from home on July 19 because she says her family will murder her in what is known as an honor killing. In Islamic tradition, an honor killing is the customary slaughter of a person who is believed to have brought dishonor upon his or her family.
Based on her upbringing and reports of abuse, this hardly seems like a scare tactic on the part of the young lady.

Bary insists that if she is ordered to be given back to her parents, her life will be in danger. Apostasy (leaving Islam) is punishable by death under Shariah Law so the young lady has a legitimate concern. Many Muslims consider an apostate worse than an infidel (non-Muslim).

In order for Crist to match this lady's courage, he will need to do the right thing and intervene. If this girl is under threat of bodily harm (including death) and something happens to her, Crist will have blood on his hands. Bary is on video saying the following:
"I'm a Christian, and my parents are Muslim. They are extremely devout," she said. "They threatened to kill me. … You guys wouldn't understand. Islam is very different than you guys think. They have to kill me. My blood is now halal, which means that because I am now a Christian, I'm from a Muslim background, it's an honor. If they love God more than me, they have to do this. I'm fighting for my life. ..."
Bary is currently in foster care. The question is whether that will end at 3:15pm ET today or not.

On what grounds, Governor Crist? How about Freedom of Religion? Quoting Fathima:
"You talk about religious freedom? No! I don't have that. I want to be here. I want to worship Jesus freely. I don't want to die."
Crist is nothing short of a coward if there is even a tiny grain of truth to Fathima's story and he sends her back to her parents.


Phone: 850-907-1218
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Pablo Diaz, Political Director
Dane Eagle, Finance Director

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