Friday, August 7, 2009


Margarida Jorge is the National Field Director of Health Care for America Now (HCAN), a group that very closely aligns with the Obama-care plan for Single Payer Universal Health care (Obama's words in 2003, not mine).

AIP NEWS site has apparently obtained the battle plans for how these Community Orgs plan to squash dissent and keep legitimate public sentiment from reaching their representatives.

There are three fundamental tactics HCAN is telling people to use. As you will see, the strategy involves shielding the politicians from protesting taxpayers and not confronting the protesters.
1.) Our targets are Members of Congress who must vote “yes” for this bill. Our targets are not the rightwing extremists. The targets of these attacks are Members of Congress. Those Members are also our targets.

We need to use these attacks as opportunities to work with the Members in ways that build our relationship in the field and bring us together as allies in health care reform. Members may be more receptive to partnering with us if they know we will help them combat the opposition.

2.) Our core message is effective, and we should always come back to it. Our campaign plan has always anticipated opposition. No matter what the right-wingers bring up to distract the debate, we should always circle back to our key message.

We are on the side of quality, affordable health care for everyone, and we are against turning over health care reform to the insurance companies and lobbyists who got us into this mess to begin with. We need to educate the press and the public that the protesters are aligned with the corporate lobbyists and insurance companies who are trying to stop reform.

3.) Our ability to put the extremists into perspective helps us frame our narrative. We should be prepared to respond to the other side, but we don’t need to be reactive or feel pressure to answer their accusations point by point.

Instead, we should treat them as agents of the insurance lobbyists who want to maintain the status quo.

We can dismiss their radical rhetoric by circling back to the basic things that we know most people care about—affordability, access, and quality.
I find #3 to be the most telling. It is an admission of engaging in false propaganda by not addressing the concerns of the opposition but instead portraying that opposition in a certain way.

Be sure to read the entire BATTLE PLAN.

Also, for more information on Margarida Jorge and HCAN, CHECK OUT THIS ARTICLE.

Somebody please refresh my memory. Who is it that's astro-turfing again?

Know the enemy as well as yourself and you need not fear a hundred battles.

- Sun Tzu


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