Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Larry Grathwohl is the ONLY man who successfully infiltrated Bill Ayers' Weather Underground for the FBI. Bill Ayers has a history of avoiding him because of what he knows that Grathwohl knows. In fact, Grathwohl has testified under oath about what he witnessed.

One thing Grathwohl testified to was being present in meetings where Ayers and other Weather Underground Leaders (which included graduates of Columbia) discussed the elimination of 25 million people (Capitalists) who could not be "re-educated".

So what is the significance of the recent news that RUSSIAN SUBMARINES are patrolling along the east coast of the United States? Maybe minimal but hardly insignificant.

The NEW YORK TIMES has more:
A pair of nuclear-powered Russian attack submarines has been patrolling off the eastern seaboard of the United States in recent days, a rare mission that has raised concerns inside the Pentagon and intelligence agencies about a more assertive stance by the Russian military.
Enter Larry Grathwohl.

As you watch this 1982 video, please listen for how Ayers' group wanted to use Russia to help overthrow the United States Government...

Ayers is a self-professed marxist and anarchist who believes in bloody revolutions to achieve his goals as evidenced by his unrepentant past. On the other hand, Barack Obama's ideological hero (Saul Alinsky) believed in "GRADUALISM":
Alinsky's tactics were based, not on Stalin's revolutionary violence, but on the Neo-Marxist strategies of Antonio Gramsci, an Italian Communist. Relying on gradualism, infiltration and the dialectic process rather than a bloody revolution, Gramsci's transformational Marxism was so subtle that few even noticed the deliberate changes.
To even the casual observer, Barack Obama may be acting quickly but he is also applying gradualism. Frankly, it's been a political necessity for him to get to this point.

This leads me to ask, "How would Bill Ayers run the country if HE were president?" He is an unrepentant violent revolutionary and assuming that Grathwohl is telling the truth, wouldn't Bill Ayers solicit the help of the Russians and other anti-capitalist nations if he were going to carry out his version of a revolution? Grathwohl's testimony bolsters that assertion.

This is why relationships matter. Barack Obama and Bill Ayers know each other far better than either is willing to admit. VERUM SERUM discovered last October that Obama and Ayers shared a business address for at least three years at 115 South Sangamon St. in Chicago from 1995-1998. Also sharing that address was Chinese Maoist Mike Klonsky. This doesn't even factor in Obama's career getting launched in Ayers' home, Obama writing a glowing review of Ayers' book on juvenile justice, Obama on a Board with Ayers, and Michelle Obama setting up a panel in 1997 on which Barack and Ayers were speakers.

Barack Obama is starting to unmask himself right now and the American people are starting to loudly reject his health care plans. He is also reported to have said that if his health care plan doesn't pass, it could "destroy" his presidency.

My point is simply this. Obama HAD to have known about Bill Ayers' past. Obama also had a member of the Communist Party USA as his childhood mentor (Frank Marshall Davis) who amassed a 600 page FBI file and was under FBI investigation for 19 years, making their security index.

Cliff Kincaid of USA SURVIVAL has done extensive work on Davis.
Barack Obama’s childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the Moscow-controlled Communist Party USA, wrote a poem dedicated to the Soviet Red Army. “Smash on, victory-eating Red Army,” he declared. He also wrote poems attacking traditional Christianity and the work of Christian missionaries.
Obama's mentor wrote a poem dedicated to the Soviet Red Army?

Did I mention there are two nuclear-powered Russian attack submarines on patrol along our east coast?

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