Friday, August 21, 2009


At issue was the August 18th segment on MSNBC led by Contessa Brewer in which a video of a man with an assault weapon was shown as guests spoke about the racial element at the Obama-care protest rallies.

The problem was that the man carrying the guns was black and didn't fit the paradigm. MSNBC's solution at the time was to not show the man's face while using the video of his guns to talk about white right wing gun nuts who just might go off half-cocked.

You know the leftwing media is sufficiently busted when they feel compelled to defend their extremely egregious propaganda tactics.

POLITICO reported on the response it received from MSNBC after inquiring about the incident:
An MSNBC spokesperson responded to POLITICO: "Contessa was speaking generally and not about that specific person with the automatic weapon."
Wait a minute. Did MSNBC just admit that one of its anchors used a generalization while discussing a matter of race?

The problem here is clear. Speaking generally when using a specific and individual example in a completely misleading way in order to further your "general" argument is borderline criminal. Especially when you're purporting to be a media source.

Nothing other than propaganda. In this case, very dangerous propaganda.

Calderon over at POLITICO also posted excerpts from correspondence between AMERICANS FOR LIMITED GOV'T president Bill Wilson and MSNBC, which included a carbon copy to GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt, whose mask is slowly coming off.

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