Wednesday, August 19, 2009


It appears that we have a new kind of triangulation taking place. The balloon floated by HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on Sunday (government option not essential) is turning out to be one made of exploding lead for the net roots.

We are now seeing the far left beginning to admonish Obama for caving in to the public pressure against his health care plan. A fight between blue dogs and rabid dogs is beginning to escalate. You know what they say about breaking up dog fights, right? Not a good idea.

However, this is the position Obama finds himself in. Republicans have a front row seat. What we're seeing here truly is phenomenal.

The town halls have seemingly set off a chain reaction of unintended consequences. Supporting the public option became a radioactive position Obama had to distance himself from but the backlash it caused from his far left base could be turning out worse for him. Obama-care may have just put him in a LOSE/LOSE situation from which he may not escape.

On another but related note, liberals love to hide who they really are (especially ones in the media who are extreme leftists). Two examples are Fox News Channel's Shepard Smith and Comedy Central's Jon Stewart (h/t to HOT AIR for posting both of these videos).

First up is Shepard Smith, who is taking Obama's Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton to task. While doing so is a noble endeavor (Burton is shameless), once you realize that Smith's anger at Burton appears to be coming from an angry far left perspective that Obama is backing off of a public option. This video exposes a level of liberalism in Smith that he has attempted to mask in the past but doesn't do it here.

CLICK HERE to watch Shepard Smith unmask himself.

Next up is Comedy Central's Jon Stewart. This clip is so much more telling because it provides a glimpse into the motivation of the rabid left's insistence on single payer health care. This clip shows that the left's position is so much more about payback over Iraq than it is about belief in the idea of government run health care. This perpsective shows that the left is more interested in making the right feel their pain than they are in what's good or right.

This is a case of cutting off one's head to spite his body.

CLICK HERE for Stewart clip.

Last up is Rachel Maddow, who blames the retreating of Obama and the moderate left on lack of will. She doesn't hide her far left ideology but mirrors the agitation of both Stewart and Shepard Smith, which provides an example of how the far left and the far left who wear moderate masks are so closely aligned on the most ideologically divisive issue of our time. WND quotes Maddow as saying:
"How did we get here? How did we get to the foretold 'death' of the public option? ... We got here through a collapse of political ambition."
Collapse of political ambition? This isn't about doing what's right. This is about doing TO the right.

Check out Maddow here:

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