Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Current sitting president of Honduras Roberto Micheletti has got to be smiling (if only a little bit) over what's going on right now. Practically every country and multi-national body came out against him (except Taiwan and Israel) and insisted that Manuel Zelaya be reinstated.

He stood against all of them and it now appears that the Micheletti-led Honduran government is beating extremely long odds by successfully telling the world (which includes Obama) to go pound sand. Jake Tapper's blog has more.

In true Obama fashion, Barack distances himself from situations that will make him look bad. Instead of taking blame for supporting the reinstatement of Zelaya, who Obama said was ousted in a "coup" that was "not legal" or shifting his support to Micheletti after seeing the plethora of inconvenient facts about Zelaya, Obama abdicates. Now he's blaming other Latin countries for not doing more to support Zelaya:
“The same critics who say that the United States has not intervened enough in Honduras are the same people who say that we're always intervening and the Yankees need to get out of Latin America. You can't have it both ways.”
Translation: Honduras stood against the world (including me) and I refuse to be embarrassed like that so it's YOUR fault.

This stance appears to be in line with recent news that the U.S. is backing off of its support for Zelaya. This stand by Micheletti is so amazing that it could be likened to the Alamo. One difference is that the Latin American Alamo seems to be winning.

Tegucigalpa is the capital of Honduras. Maybe it should be called, "TEGUCIGALPALAMO"!

Read the ENTIRE POST at Jake Tapper's blog.

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