Sunday, August 9, 2009


The saying, "if you tell a lie often enough, people begin to believe it" has often been attributed to Hitler's propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels. While there's no real evidence he said it that way, the point is well taken. Taken a step further, how powerful are lying words when the person saying them says them often enough? What level of emotional and mental investment does such a person reach when he not only hears the lies over and over but is the one repeating them over and over?

Enter Keith Olbermann. This guy unfortunately may be past the point of no return. He spews lies every evening with such reckless abandon and indignation, he's actually become a walking, talking, breathing lie himself. Something tells me that he got to this point thanks to a culture at MSNBC / NBC that GE head Jeffrey Immelt helped to create - a culture that Obama must be defended with propaganda since he can't be defended with the truth.

The MISSOURA BLOG has this gem of a video where Olbermann compares the Town Hall protesters with Hamas and Hezbollah. I only half-jokingly say this guy must be under a spell because I'm running out of reasons to dismiss such a half-cocked notion.


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