Monday, August 31, 2009


Last week, we saw video of newly appointed FCC Diversity Czar Mark Lloyd praising the rise of Hugo Chavez. Now we have video of Lloyd praising Paul Robeson, member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) while deriding Joe McCarthy (as time goes by, McCarthy is looking to be vindicated more and more).

Cliff Kincaid over at ACCURACY IN MEDIA peels away another layer of the onion with his LATEST PIECE:
While Robeson deserved praise for his artistic talents, there is no excuse at this late date for ignorance about Robeson's real record not only as a secret member of the Communist Party USA but as an apologist for communist tyranny. Lloyd's comments suggest that he would have preferred that the media not make an issue of Robeson's involvement in an international movement that has cost the lives of more than 100 million people.
This is absolutely chilling when one takes into account that Lloyd is calling for policies that will, in effect, bankrupt private broadcasters by requiring them to double their operating expenses in the form of fees to support public broadcasting. Couple that with Obama's Internet czar Cass Sunstein calling for increased regulation of the interenet and a new bill that would give Obama the authority to shut down the internet during an emergency and you have a witch's brew of censorship with the U.S. Constitution as kindling.

Here's the unbelievable video of Lloyd in 2005. While his extoling Robeson is bad for sure, I found this quote at the 2:47 mark about somes up my problems with Lloyd (also the name of the bartender in Stephen King's, "The Shining):
"I argue that the answer to bad speech is not censorship but better speech."
Frankly, if that statement is meant to convey that the arena of ideas should win the day, fine. However, it's obvious after watching this video that Lloyd has a different interpetation. This guy is nuts. Period.

As Kincaid points out, indications are that Lloyd wants to take a page out of the playbook of Hugo Chavez when implementing policy here in the United States:
At a 2008 "media reform" conference sponsored by the George Soros-funded Free Press organization, Lloyd declared that the Marxist revolution in Venezuela under Chavez was "incredible" and "dramatic" but that the "property owners and the folks who were then controlling the media in Venezuela rebelled" against the would-be dictator and supported a coup against him. However, Lloyd said that Chavez wised up and "then started to take the media seriously..."
Did I mention that according to Rasmussen, approximately 30% of the American people strongly approve of the job Obama is doing?

Keeping in mind that Lloyd's strategy involves creating a situation in which private broadcasters go out of business because they can't afford the FCC's fees, what is the logical outcome? Answer: A broadcast entity is then made available to the government through attrition.
It is apparent that Chavez is using the government to force private companies out of the media business and restrict and investigate the remaining independent journalists. This is a process that apparently meets with the approval of "progressives" such as Mark Lloyd in the U.S.
Who'd have ever imagined that the FCC would one day decide to follow a model set by that of a tinpot dictator in Venezuela.

Just how important is YOUR freedom of speech?

DANGER Will Robinson. DANGER.

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