Tuesday, August 4, 2009


When the preferred tactic of ignoring attacks is shunned by people in this current administration, you know the attacker has landed a blow. That appears to be the case with a video that was posted to the internet yesterday.

As a Community Organizer, Obama absolutely HATES being on defense. He prefers to be spending his time "baiting" his opponents while ignoring and brushing off any attacks (maybe why he's so good at killing flies). Here's the video posted by NAKED EMPEROR NEWS that "baited" Obama into reacting.

Now we learn that a former ABC News correspondent turned Obama administration mouthpiece is featured in a three minute video to tell us how Mr. Obama was taken out of context.

Absolutely pathetic. Note what Douglass does. First she says this:
“So what happens is that because he’s talking to the American people so much, there are people out there with a computer and a lot of free time, and they take a phrase here and there — they simply cherry-pick and put it together, and make it sound like he’s saying something that he didn’t really say.”
Something he didn't say? HE WAS CAUGHT ON TAPE SAYING IT! Douglass is LYING! Being the open-minded individual I am, I waited for her to PUT the quotes Obama was captured saying INTO context. She didn't. Instead, she played other clips of Obama spewing his talking points.

Ms. Douglass, unless Obama was quoting someone else when he said these things, there is no way they could have been taken out of context.

OBAMA 2007: "I don't think we'll be able to ELIMINATE employer coverage IMMEDIATELY."

OBAMA 2003: "I happen to be a proponent of single payer universal health care." (Note that Douglass said Obama's been talking to the American people so much. Uh, was he doing that in 2003?)

Yeah, that would explain why you spent NO TIME in your three minute video actually proving that they WERE taken out of context.

This tactic by Team Obama is CLEARLY the application of Saul Alinsky's RULE #10, which states:

The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. Avoid being trapped by an opponent or an interviewer who says, "Okay, what would you do?"

It's pretty easy to see that if Obama's response to his true beliefs on health care being exposed is this three minute piece of trash, he failed to avoid being trapped.

POLITICO has more on Douglass in full spin mode.

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