Sunday, August 23, 2009


It appears that the Obama Administration is weaving quite the tangled web as evidenced by the fallout from the Snitch Brigade email address. Initially, it had a dilemma it couldn't get out of after asking citizens to send them an email at, which has since been rendered invalid. Now, it has a completely new set of problems that have been set off by their decision to blame a third party for harvesting all of those private email addresses.

The problem was this. If the WH said it wasn't keeping the correspondence or emails it was getting, it was in violation of one law that says they must keep all correspondence. If they said they were keeping the correspondence, they were violating 1st Amendment rights of citizens.

Their decision? Admit to keeping the email addresses but blame a third party for providing them. That third party is GovDelivery.

Enter the new set of problems as reported by FOX NEWS:
The company, Govdelivery, describes itself as the world's leading provider of government-to-citizen communication solutions and says its e-mail service provides a fully-automated on-demand public communication system.

It is still unknown how much taxpayer money the White House provides to Govdelivery for its services.
Wait. Did they say taxpayer money?

So Govdelivery, which I fund, was being directed by the White House to lobby the American public for Obama-care? Over half of the people in this country who don't support government-run health care are subsidizing a propaganda campaign designed to push government-run health care?

I'm sure that's legal.

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