Wednesday, September 23, 2009


This one comes straight from the Unmitigated Gall department. Yes, after the Baltimore ACORN office fired both Tonja Thompson and Shera Williams for offering their help to James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles, who posed as a pimp and prostitute, they have filed a lawsuit against.......James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles.

Acorn CEO, Bertha Lewis even expressed what in hindsight was fake gratitute toward O'Keefe and Giles. Adding another perplexing dimension is that the lawsuit even cites the distress caused to both Thompson and Williams:
The two employees seen in the video were fired after it was posted online. The lawsuit says the employees, Tonja Thompson and Shera Williams, suffered "extreme emotional distress."
I have a question for Bertha Lewis. Bertha, if you're so concerned about the emotional well-being of Thompson and Williams, then why did you FIRE THEM when they were most emotionally distressed?! Did you think that would make them feel better?

Here is the AP ARTICLE

Of course, Maryland's State Attorney is a lady named PATRICIA JESSAMY, who is a huge Obama supporter. Here is a video of her at a DNC party before last year's election.

We got a hint that O'Keefe might be prosecuted earlier this month when the WASHINGTON EXAMINER reported on Jessamy's past, which included going after Linda Tripp when she exposed Lewinsky-gate.
If any of this sounds vaguely familiar, it should because back in the Clinton days, the Maryland State's Prosecutor prosecuted Linda Tripp for recording Monica Lewinsky's description of her sexual encounter with President Bill Clinton.
Let's also keep in mind (for additional irony) that Jessamy is also a supposed advocate for child abuse victims.
Among the items listed on Jessamy's extensive resume of accomplishments is that she is president of the Baltimore Child Abuse Center. She also lists her prior membership on the Governor's Council on Child Abuse and Neglect from 1995 to 1998!
If Jessamy is so concerned about abused children, why isn't she outraged over the willingness of Thompson and Williams to help a pimp and a prostitute smuggle girls from El Salvador between the ages of 13-15 into this country so they could work out of a brothel?

More at the BIG GOVERNMENT website.

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