Tuesday, September 15, 2009


So ABC News' anchor Charlie Gibson appears on WLS in Chicago (Don & Roma show) this morning and is asked about all of these ACORN scandals. His response after a moment of condescending laughter was, "I didn't even know about it."

The last time I heard someone laugh like that after a very serious question was when Barack Obama did it to Steve Kroft asked him about closing down auto dealers. In response to Obama's laughter, Kroft asked if he was "punch drunk".

Gibson sure sounded punch drunk in response to the ACORN question. After claiming ignorance, he got arrogant and suggested that maybe this was a story that should be left to the "cables".

CLICK HERE for the audio.

Here's the transcript:

Don: Okay, here’s my news question. A Senate bill yesterday passes, cutting off funds to this group called ACORN. Now, we got that bill passed and we have the embarrassing video of ACORN staffers giving tax advice on how to set up a brothel with 13-year-old hookers. It has everything you could want – corruption and sleazy action at tax-funded organizations and it’s got government ties. But nobody’s covering that story. Why?

Gibson: HAHAHAHAHA. HEHEHE. I didn’t even know about it. Um. So, you’ve got me at a loss. I don’t know. Uh. Uh. But my goodness, if it’s got everything including sleaziness in it, we should talk about it this morning.

Roma: This is the American way!

Gibson: Or maybe this is just one you leave to the cables.

Roma: Well, I think this is a huge issue because there’s so much funding that goes into this organization…

Gibson: I know we’ve done some stories about ACORN before, but this one I don’t know about…

Roma: Jake Tapper did some blogging on it. I know he’s blogged at least once on this scandal.

Gibson: You guys are uh really up on the website.

Sarah Palin may be chuckling somewhere right now.

h/t to MICHELLE MALKIN for the audio

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