Friday, September 11, 2009


This guy is beyond shameless. The notion that Obama's speech was an olive branch is beyond skewed. I'm not exactly sure how calling out people with whom you disagree with can be considered a peace offering anyway.

Not only that but Obama came across as angry and unyielding while calling Sarah Palin a liar and accused talk radio of causing his problems. Quintessential victimization.

The ultimate irony for me was that to bolster his argument, Reid said, "He (Obama) even took a page out of President Bush's book and indicated some of the things he'd be studying."

Uh, Harry, if you believe that Bush was a "liar" and a "loser", why would you point to Obama as having taken a page out his book? Also, note the implication of Reid's words about Bush. He invokes the name of a president he views as extremely divisive in support of his argument that Obama was extending an "olive branch".

Adds an entirely new dimension to Joe Wilson accusing Obama of lying.

h/t to HOT AIR

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