Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Yet another example of astroturfing, courtesy of the Obamautomatons. Health Care for America Now (HCAN) was in action at a town hall for Jan Schakowski (D-IL). Note how this organizer is coaching the HCANs how to stand up and "block" when opponents stand up to protest.

Also note how he's come up with the incredibly original and insightful chant of, "Health Care Now".

Just as a refresher, here's Jan Schakowsky back in April claiming enthusiastically that the insurance companies will be put out of business. Personally, the line I was most disturbed by was, "This is not a principled fight." Can someone explain to me why you would choose sides not based on what you believe is right but on what you want?

Sounds like that Alinsky-inspired, "ends justify the means" mentality at work.

Here are the websites for SCHAKOWSKY and HCAN.

h/t to GATEWAY PUNDIT for the HCAN video.

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