Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) is funded by you, the taxpayer. Bill Moyers is paid to report his version of the news on PBS. Therefore, you are paying Bill Moyers' salary. As his boss, are you satisfied with his performance? As his boss, are you willing to accept being lumped into a group he calls, "right wing kooks"?

In a shocking display of arrogance, generalizations, stereotyping, and very dangerous behavior, Moyers openly labeled anyone who disagrees with Obama's socialist agenda as "crackpots" who are "praying for Obama to die". Guess what. If you disagree with the Obama administration, you're subsidizing your own demonization at the hands of someone whose salary you pay. Quite the boss/employee relationship, isn't it?

Public Broadcasting will be receiving $400 million in taxpayer dollars in 2009 and when you couple that with what FCC Diversity Czar Mark Lloyd wants to do, they'd get more. Lloyd doesn't want to raise taxes though. He wants to double the expenditures of private broadcasters in the form of fees, knowing that this will bankrupt them.

Those fees would then go to outfits like the one Moyers works for. Not only that, but who would fill the vacuum left by the bankrupted private broadcasters? Well, people like Moyers of course.

I don't know who Moyers thinks he is but he sure is showing us what he is - A man who needs serious help.


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