Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Yes, the video is extremely well done. Certainly, the music and the lighting go a long way in elevating Charlie Crist's 2010 Republican opponent, 38-year old Marco Rubio.

That said, don't overlook the strength of Rubio. He comes across as a very passionate and principled conservative who is concise and powerful in his speech. His message is resonating with people and as the conservative movement grows, so will he.

This video a must-see:

On another important note, I noticed that Rubio made a forceful statement about the Rifqa Bary case (17-year old girl who converted to Christianity and fled her Muslim parents - she is currently awaiting a judge's ruling on September 3rd). Here is Rubio's statement:
Miami, FL – U.S. Senate candidate and former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio today issued the following statement regarding Rifqa Bary’s court case:

“America has a rich tradition of religious freedom that is enshrined in our
First Amendment. Today in Florida, this freedom could be at stake as a court considers the case of 17-year old Rifqa Bary.

“This young woman fled from Ohio to Florida, fearing she would be killed for converting from Islam to Christianity. As the court weighs the facts of this case, I hope it will take her expressed fears seriously and not rush to an irreversible decision that may ultimately endanger her.

“It is imperative that state officials use every legal tool at their disposal to properly evaluate Rifqa’s best interests. Florida has a responsibility not only to protect her innocent life but also to defend her sacred right to worship freely.”
Yes, Crist is the one in the hotseat on this case as the Governor and may choose his words more carefully but Rubio's statement may ultimately help Crist do that right thing if the judge does not.

Here's a link to RUBIO'S SITE

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