Monday, September 7, 2009


Huffington Post's David Sirota and David Brooks-type conservative David Frum square off on CNN over the Van Jones resignation. Sirota says that Jones was targeted by "political right wing terrorists" and a "right wing lynch mob". He is very disappointed that the White House would have Van Jones removed for making a small "mistake" like signing his name to a 9/11 Truther document in 2004.

The statement released by Jones in his last ditch effort to stem the tide was to claim he didn't read the document and has never been a truther. Lost on Sirota (and Frum) is the fact that Gateway Pundit not only uncovered the 2004 document Jones signed but also this one from 4 months after 9/11, which Jones also signed:

Frum's malleable conservatism and failure to point out Jones' 2002 advocacy of trutherism notwithstanding, he provides solid counter arguments that Sirota seems incapable of processing. In fact, when you put Frum's points up against an unyielding Sirota, it serves as proof positive that those on the left can talk themselves into believing anything by ignoring the facts.

Note also the implications Sirota is making. His point seems to include a racist Obama administration who wouldn't jettison white guys like Tim Geithner and Ben Bernanke but seems all too willing to throw a "targeted African American" under the bus. It seems as though someone should inform Sirota that Obama is black. With logic like that, who needs facts? It should be obvious why Sirota didn't bring up former Car Czar Steve Rattner, who had to resign like Jones did. The Rattner angle blows holes in Sirota's argument.

Lastly, although it would have been off-topic, I wish Frum would have broached the subject of Van Jones' record label producing an album featuring cop killing, death row narrator Mumia Abu Jamal.


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