Friday, September 25, 2009


Remember, not only is this guy a tinpot dictator and supporter of ousted tinHAT dictator from Honduras, Manuel Zelaya (as is Obama) but he also seems to be aligned with Obama when it comes to Fox News.

The perfect 2 minute microcosm of a leftwing mind. I had no idea that Chavez was so well versed on Saul Alinsky.

Note the stages that take place in this interview.

STAGE 1: Chavez is interested in giving a television reporter an interview while attempting to portray professionalism and graciousness.

STAGE 2: After not liking the question posed by the reporter, which had to do with why Chavez viewed a Holocaust denier like Ahmadinejad as a friend, Chavez aks the reporter where he's from. After hearing, "Fox News", Chavez launches into insult mode and actually quotes Sean Penn, calling people who work for fox, "El stupido".

STAGE 3: When the insults don't intimidate the reporter, who lets said insults fly by, the reporter follows-up with another similar question about Ahmadinejad. Chavez responds by changing the subject and elevating his tone.

STAGE 4: Chavez comes unhinged while getting self-righteous about a subject that had nothing to do with anything the reporter asked.


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