Thursday, September 17, 2009


Yes, you read that headline right. Jon Stewart from Comedy Central slammed both ACORN and the media that didn't uncover their willingness to aid and abet prostitutes and pimps. The truly bigger story within the story here is that Stewart's demographic is not only substantial but it's made up of younger voters who reject Fox News, conservative blogs, and talk radio.

In addition, many of them literally get their dose of news from Stewart, who provides a comedic leftist spin to the majority of his stories. His audience is somewhat politically malleable based on Stewart's take on things. He could have defended ACORN or made the story about the "paranoid right".

He didn't and he should be commended. He slammed ACORN and he slammed the media (one day after Charlie Gibson said he didn't know anything about the scandal).

Laughter is a very disarming thing. Stewart disarms his audience with laughter every day. It garners him some credibility among them. He expresses a view in between laughs and people pay attention. Whether that view is right or wrong is not important. What is important is that those views are internalized and digested by most loyal and regular members of his audience.

While fewer people watch Stewart than do Fox News, this is HUGE. Stewart may not even realize how much good he did by being intellectually honest on this story. I don't say this often but Jon Stewart, thank you.

The Audacity of Hos
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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h/t to HOT AIR

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