Sunday, September 6, 2009


I just love it when Leftwing Mainstream Media kooks get indignant about bloggers or anyone else foreign to their elitist bubble who happens to disagree with them. This week, on Meet The Press, Thomas Friedman borders on separating from his body and sitting beside himself.

First up in this clip, the panelists debate the outrage over Obama's speech to public school students. Friedman comes unglued while Rudy Guiliani does a great job of articulating the real concerns of parents. In short, it's a mistrust of Obama, his administration, and this government. Has anyone noticed how many people had to bow out of his administration? Has anyone noticed the number of lies he's told? Friedman just rambles on like he never even heard Rudy's point.

By the way, is it really the job of journalists to tell us what public perception should be or is it their job to report on why those perceptions exist? The so-called "objective" journalists exposed themselves again today. Friedman, in particular, when he called that which he didn't understand, "stupid".

Then the discussion moves over to the Van Jones story. Friedman and Brokaw both break into diatribes that attempt to demean bloggers while elevating their elitist selves. The problem is that neither one of them even remotely addresses the real issue. Specifically, bloggers, spurned on by Glenn Beck's REAL REPORTING uncovered the truth about Van Jones, the ugliest of which is that he supports a cop killer on death row (Mumia Abu Jamal). Friedman and Brokaw go off into tangents about how bloggers better be careful or they're going to lose their privacy.

The truth is that Van Jones had to resign without ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, or the New York Times doing any reporting on him.

If you ask me, that's what is really bugging Brokaw and Friedman.

It's really fun to watch these elitists feign indignation without even realizing they have been thoroughly spanked by those who they see as beneath them. Also, take note of how Rudy is smiling as Friedman hangs himself with a fallaciously righteous rope.

This video might soon show up on the Discovery Channel. We don't often get the opportunity to see wounded animals lick their wounds like this.

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