Thursday, September 10, 2009


Representative Joe Wilson (D-SC) screamed, "You Lie" during Obama's speech to a joint session of congress. The debate about whether the president DID lie seems to have been overshadowed by Wilson's breach of decorum.

The question should be, "Does truth trump decorum?" If so, Wilson should be lauded for telling it. The number of lies Obama has told on health care are challenged only by the number of crises that have been thrust onto the American people since he was inaugurated. A list of the ones told just in his speech is chronicled by DOUG ROSS.

Frankly, there are a lot of Americans demanding to be heard by this president and they are being ignored. What Wilson did was nothing more than provide a megaphone for all of the town hall protesters from his district. If Wilson's actions were approved by the majority of his constituents, he should be commended and not censured.

However, Wilson was chastised by John McCain on Larry King after Obama's speech. This is the same McCain that assured people who attended his town hall prior to the election that they had no reason to be scared of an Obama presidency. It's the same McCain who took offense when a town hall audience this past August booed him when he expressed his support for Obama. It's also the same McCain who lapped up the public praise at last night's speech.

This is why McCain was the wrong choice last November.


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