Sunday, September 20, 2009


This may be the most egregious lie yet from Barack Obama. The money quotes come shortly after the 4:00 mark. Stephanopoulos asks Obama about ACORN getting its funding cut off. His response is obviously deliberate ignorance but plausible deniability is more than just a stretch. When asked about the de-funding of Acorn Obama says,
"Frankly, it's not something I've followed closely. I didn't even know that Acorn was getting a whole lot of federal money."
Shortly after that, he makes reference to seeing one of the videos that exposed Acorn, saying it was "certainly inappropriate".

Considering Obama's extensive ties to Acorn, it is simply not believable that he hasn't been following it very closely. Even giving him the benefit of the doubt, he should be following it closely based on what he saw on the "video" considering his extensive ties to Acorn.

Next, he expects us to believe that he didn't know Acorn was getting "a whole lot of federal money". Not only is that COMPLETELY unbelievable but if we were to give him the benefit of the doubt on that one, why on earth would he sign a bill that grants Acorn billions of dollars without knowing that's in the bill?

Taken further, if he is so willing to sign a bill that grants an organization like Acorn billions of dollars (unbeknownst to him), why on EARTH should he be trusted when he says he will not sign a health care bill that adds to the deficit.

To quote Joe Wilson, "YOU LIE".

Here's the entry on STEPHANOPOULOS' BLOG

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